Research and Publications
We are an NGO providing continuous Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) care to disadvantaged people in South-East Asia.
Since starting out in 2015, we have gained a unique insight into the state of T1D across the region.
Journal Publications
Sze May Ng, Malene IV, Thy Khue Nguyen, Khuong Le, Yang Xian Lucas Lim, Ngee Lek, Samantha Seal, Steffen Yun Tange, Azriyanti Anuar Zaini, Taninee Sahakitrungruang, Anne Charlotte Ficheroulle. Internet analytics of an innovative digital educational resource of type 1 diabetes HelloType1 in local languages for people living with diabetes families and healthcare professionals in Southeast Asia. BMC Endocr Disord 23, 249 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12902-023-01501-4
Ng SM. Action4Diabetes: a non-profit organisation bridging the type 1 diabetes gap in Southeast Asia. Practical Diabetes 2023 Volume 40, Issue 4, pages 6-10 https://wchh.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/pdi.2463
Sze May Ng, Malene IV , Myint Nilar, Khaysy Rassavong , Chi Dung Vu, Florence Hui Sieng Tan, Muhammad Yazid Jalaludin, Charles Toomey, Ngee Lek. Closing the Type 1 Diabetes gap in South-East Asia through government partnership working with non-government organisations. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 2022 May;187:109868. doi: 10.1016/j.diabres.2022.109868. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.diabres.2022.109868
Ngee Lek, Ampahyvanh Manivong, Khaysy Rassavong, D Phommachack, Charles Toomey, Sze May Ng. Type 1 Diabetes in Laos, 2016 – 2021. Pediatric Diabetes 2022 Sep;23(6):620-626. doi: 10.1111/pedi. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/pedi.13366
Toomey C, Gore J, Ooi F, Ng SM. Action4Diabetes: A UK charity revolutionising type 1 diabetes healthcare across South-East Asia. Diabetes Care for Children and Young People 2021: 1:3 https://diabetesonthenet.com/wp-content/uploads/pdf/dotna1c918a2413e8b3a9e78ccbc415f01a9.pdf
Sze May Ng, Amphayvanh Manivong, Daoheuang Phommachack, Khounpaseuth Phimmasone, Khamtavanh Khambuapha, Linh Nguyen, Tyla Martin, Fiona Ooi. Exploring perspectives of children and young people with type 1 diabetes in Laos: moving beyond twice daily insulin to multiple daily regimens. [Abstract] Endocrine Abstarcts 2024 https://www.endocrine-abstracts.org/ea/0103/ea0103p15
Sze May Ng, Amphayvanh Manivong, Daoheuang Phommachack, Khamtavanh Khambuapha, Fiona Ooi, Reuben Foo, Anna Tan, Ngee Lek. Diabetic retinopathy screening in Laotian children with diabetes: a collaboration between Singapore national eye centre and Action4Diabetes. Endocrine Abstracts 2025 https://www.endocrine-abstracts.org/ea/0103/ea0103p14
Sze May Ng, Michael Aydinbas, Charles Toomey, Tyla Martin, Fiona Ooi, Harnessing digital innovations for data-driven impact: A case study of a collaborative partnership between NGOs Action4Diabetes and CorrelAid’s Data4Good projects. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics 2024, https://attdasia.kenes.com/dtt-journal-abstracts/
Sze May Ng, Muhammad Yazid Jalaludin, Sovutha Sun, Phat Tung Ma, Sirimon Reutrakul, Sum Satha, Candy Gan, Fiona Ooi, Anne Charlotte Ficheroulle. Online Metrics of HelloType1-an Innovative Digital Educational Platform in Regional Languages for people living with diabetes and healthcare professionals in Southeast Asia. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics 2024 https://attdasia.kenes.com/dtt-journal-abstracts/
N Lek, D Phommachack, A Manivong, K Khambuapha, F Ooi, R Foo, A Tan, SM Ng. Diabetic retinopathy screening in Laos: an inaugural collaborative effort by the Singapore national eye centre and action4diabetes [Abstract] Hormone research in Pediatrics , Vol 97, Issue Suppl 2 Oct 2024 https://karger.com/hrp/article/97/Suppl.%202/5/914751/Abstract-Book-50th-Annual-Conference-ISPAD-2024
A Manivong, K Khambuapha, D Phommachack, K Khounpaseuth Phimmasone, T Martin, SM Ng. Beyond twice daily insulin in a low income country- exploring children and adolescents’ perspectives on transitioning to a multiple daily insulin regimen in Laos. [Abstract] Hormone research in Pediatrics , Vol 97, Issue Suppl 2 Oct 2024 https://karger.com/hrp/article/97/Suppl.%202/5/914751/Abstract-Book-50th-Annual-Conference-ISPAD-2024
SM Ng, M IV, TK Nguyen, K Le, YXL Lim, A Anuar Zaini, N Lek, S Seal, SY Tange, AC Ficheroulle, J Gore. Hellotype1- An innovative digital educational resource platform of Type 1 diabetes in local languages for healthcare professionals, families and people living with diabetes in Southeast Asia. [Abstract] Pediatric Diabetes Volume 23, Supplement 31, October 2022 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/toc/13995448/2022/23/S31
SM Ng , M IV, C Yay, LC Khun, B Manet, T Martin, N Lek. Type 1 diabetes glycaemic control outcomes stratified by insulin regimen in two large Cambodian tertiary hospitals.[Abstract] Pediatric Diabetes Volume 23, Supplement 31, Ocotber 2022 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/toc/13995448/2022/23/S31
SM Ng, N Lek, T Sahakitrungruang, L Finnigan, SP Chan, LM Yong, PT Bui, SN Nyi, A.-C. Ficheroulle, C. Toomey. Southeast Asia Type 1 diabetes healthcare professionals regional network and webinars programme initiative. [Abstract] Pediatric Diabetes Volume 23, Supplement 31, October 2022 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/toc/13995448/2022/23/S31
Sze May Ng, Nicholas Toomey, Ban Manet, Htun Lin Kyaw, Khamtavanh Khambuapha, Tyla Martin, Fiona Ooi. Lessons learnt from COVID-19 pandemic in maintaining medical supplies to Type 1 Diabetes disadvantaged communities in low-middle-income countries in Southeast Asia. [Abstract] Pediatric Diabetes Volume 23, Supplement 31, October 2022 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/toc/13995448/2022/23/S31
SM Ng, M IV, TK Nguyen, K Le, YXL Lim, A Anuar Zaini, N Lek, S Seal, SY Tange, AC Ficheroulle, C Toomey. Developing a digital Southeast Asia Type 1 diabetes healthcare educational platform in local languages during the pandemic. [Abstract] Hormone Research In Paediatrics 2022 Volume 95, Supplement 2, 176-177
SM Ng , M IV, C Yay, LC Khun, B Manet, T Martin, N Lek.Type 1 diabetes glycated haemoglobin outcomes did not differ by insulin regimen in two large Cambodian tertiary hospitals. [Abstract] Hormone Research In Paediatrics 2022 Volume 95, Supplement 2, 177-177
Sze May Ng, Nicholas Toomey, Ban Manet, Htun Lin Kyaw, Khamtavanh Khambuapha, Tyla Martin, Fiona Ooi.Maintaining insulin and medical supplies for disadvantaged people with Type 1 Diabetes in Southeast Asia during the COVID-19 pandemic. [Abstract] Hormone Research In Paediatrics 2022 Volume 95, Supplement 2, 203-203
SM Ng, N Lek, T Sahakitrungruang, L Finnigan, SP Chan, LM Yong, PT Bui, SN Nyi, A.-C. Ficheroulle, C. Toomey Developing a regional Southeast Asia diabetes healthcare professional network and webinars programme initiative during the pandemic. [Abstract] Hormone Research In Paediatrics 2022 Volume 95, Supplement 2, 89-90
Sze May Ng, Malene IV , Myint Nilar, Khaysy Rassavong , Chi Dung Vu, Florence Hui Sieng Tan, Muhammad Yazid Jalaludin, Charles Toomey, Ngee Lek Government partnership working in Southeast Asia low-middle-income countries with Action4Diabetes improves Type 1 diabetes care. Endocrine Abstract 2021 https://www.endocrine-abstracts.org/ea/0078/ea0078p12
Sze May Ng, A. Manivong, K. Rassavong, D. Phommachack, Charles Toomey, Ngee Lek. Type 1 Diabetes : The Laos perspective. Endocrine Abstract 2021 https://www.endocrine-abstracts.org/ea/0078/ea0078p11
Sze May Ng, A. Manivong, K. Rassavong, D. Phommachack, Charles Toomey, Ngee Lek. Type 1 Diabetes Care Provision and Outcomes in Laos between 2016 and 2021. [Abstract] Pediatric Diabetes Volume 22, Supplement 20, October 2021 https://www.react-profile.org/upload/KIT/system/uploads/ISPAD%202021%20Abstract%20Book.pdf
Sze May Ng, Malene IV , Myint Nilar, Khaysy Rassavong , Chi Dung Vu, Florence Hui Sieng Tan, Muhammad Yazid Jalaludin, Charles Toomey, Ngee Lek. Improving Type 1 diabetes care in Southeast Asia through government partnership working with Action4Diabetes. [Abstract] Pediatric Diabetes Volume 22, Supplement 20, October 2021 https://www.react-profile.org/upload/KIT/system/uploads/ISPAD%202021%20Abstract%20Book.pdf
Abstracts Publications
International Conference Presentations
50th Annual Conference of International Society of Paediatric and Adolescent Diabetes ISPAD 2024, Lisbon, Portugal
N Lek, D Phommachack, A Manivong, K Khambuapha, F Ooi, R Foo, A Tan, SM Ng. Diabetic retinopathy screening in Laos: an inaugural collaborative effort by the Singapore national eye centre and action4diabetes
50th Annual Conference of International Society of Paediatric and Adolescent Diabetes ISPAD 2024, Lisbon, Portugal
Sze May Ng, Amphayvanh Manivong, Daoheuang Phommachack, Khounpaseuth Phimmasone, Khamtavanh Khambuapha, Linh Nguyen, Tyla Martin, Fiona Ooi. Beyond twice daily insulin in a low income country- exploring children and adolescents’ perspectives on transitioning to a multiple daily insulin regimen in Laos.
1st Conference of the Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes ATTD-Asia 2024, Singapore
Sze May Ng, Muhammad Yazid Jalaludin, Sovutha Sun, Phat Tung Ma, Sirimon Reutrakul, Sum Satha, Candy Gan, Fiona Ooi, Anne Charlotte Ficheroulle. Online Metrics of HelloType1-an Innovative Digital Educational Platform in Regional Languages for people living with diabetes and healthcare professionals in Southeast Asia
1st Conference of the Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes ATTD-Asia 2024, Singapore
Sze May Ng, Michael Aydinbas, Charles Toomey, Tyla Martin, Fiona Ooi, Harnessing digital innovations for data-driven impact: A case study of a collaborative partnership between NGOs Action4Diabetes and CorrelAid’s Data4Good projects
51st Annual British Society of Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes Conference 2024, Gasgow, United Kingdom
Sze Ng, Amphayvanh Manivong, Daoheuang Phommachack, Khounpaseuth Phimmasone, Khamtavanh Khambuapha, Linh Nguyen, Tyla Martin, Fiona Ooi. Exploring perspectives of children and young people with type 1 diabetes in laos: moving beyond twice daily insulin to multiple daily regimens
51st Annual British Society of Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes Conference 2024, Gasgow, United Kingdom
Sze May Ng, Amphayvanh Manivong, Daoheuang Phommachack, Khamtavanh Khambuapha, Fiona Ooi, Reuben Foo, Anna Tan, Ngee Lek Diabetic retinopathy screening in Laotian children with diabetes: a collaboration between Singapore national eye centre and Action4Diabetes. Endocrine Abstracts 2024
60th Annual ESPE Conference of European Society of Paediatric Endocrinology, Rome, Italy 2022
Sze May Ng, Malene IV, Thy Khue Nguyen, Khuong Le, Yang Xian Lucas Lim, Ngee Lek, Samantha Seal, Steffen Yun Tange, Anne Charlotte Ficheroulle, Jerry Gore. Developing a digital Southeast Asia Type 1 Diabetes healthcare educational platform in local languages for healthcare professionals, families and people living with diabetes.
60th Annual ESPE Conference of European Society of Paediatric Endocrinology, Rome, Italy 2022
Ng, Ngee Lek, Taninee Sahakitrungruang, Siew Peng Chan, Lai Mee Yong, Muhammad Yazid Jalaludin, Phuong Thao Bui, Soe Nyi Nyi, Anne-Charlotte Ficheroulle, Charles Toomey. Developing a regional Southeast Asia diabetes healthcare professional network and webinars programme initiative during the pandemic.
60th Annual ESPE Conference of European Society of Paediatric Endocrinology, Rome, Italy 2022
Sze May Ng, Malene IV, Chantana Yay, Leang Chhun Khun, Ban Manet, Tyla Martin, Ngee Lek. Type 1 diabetes glycated haemoglobin outcomes did not differ by insulin regimen in two large Cambodian tertiary hospitals.
60th Annual ESPE Conference of European Society of Paediatric Endocrinology, Rome, Italy 2022
Sze May Ng, Nicholas Toomey, Ban Manet, Htun Lin Kyaw, Khamtavanh Khambuapha, Tyla Martin, Fiona Ooi. Maintaining insulin and medical supplies for disadvantaged people with Type 1 Diabetes in Southeast Asia during the COVID-19 pandemic.
48th Annual Conference of International Society of Paediatric and Adolescent Diabetes ISPAD 2022, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
SM Ng , M IV, C Yay, LC Khun, B Manet, T Martin, N Lek. Type 1 diabetes glycaemic control outcomes stratified by insulin regimen in two large Cambodian tertiary hospitals.
48th Annual Conference of International Society of Paediatric and Adolescent Diabetes ISPAD 2022, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
SM Ng, M IV, TK Nguyen, K Le, YXL Lim, A Anuar Zaini, N Lek, S Seal, SY Tange, AC Ficheroulle, J Gore. Hellotype1- An innovative digital educational resource platform of Type 1 diabetes in local languages for healthcare professionals, families and people living with diabetes in Southeast Asia
48th Annual Conference of International Society of Paediatric and Adolescent Diabetes ISPAD 2022, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
SM Ng, N Lek, T Sahakitrungruang, L Finnigan, SP Chan, LM Yong, PT Bui, SN Nyi, A.-C. Ficheroulle, C. Toomey. Southeast Asia Type 1 diabetes healthcare professionals regional network and webinars programme initiative
48th Annual Conference of International Society of Paediatric and Adolescent Diabetes ISPAD 2022, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Sze May Ng, Nicholas Toomey, Ban Manet, Htun Lin Kyaw, Khamtavanh Khambuapha, Tyla Martin, Fiona Ooi. Lessons learnt from COVID-19 pandemic in maintaining medical supplies to Type 1 Diabetes disadvantaged communities in low-middle-income countries in Southeast Asia
47th Annual Conference of International Society of Paediatric and Adolescent Diabetes ISPAD 2021
Sze May Ng, A. Manivong, K. Rassavong, D. Phommachack, Charles Toomey, Ngee Lek. Type 1 Diabetes Care Provision and Outcomes in Laos between 2016 and 2021 (Oral presentation).
47th Annual Conference of International Society of Paediatric and Adolescent Diabetes ISPAD 2021
Sze May Ng, Malene IV , Myint Nilar, Khaysy Rassavong , Chi Dung Vu, Florence Hui Sieng Tan, Muhammad Yazid Jalaludin, Charles Toomey, Ngee Lek. Improving Type 1 diabetes care in Southeast Asia through government partnership working with Action4Diabetes
British Society of Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes Conference 2021
Sze May Ng, A. Manivong, K. Rassavong, D. Phommachack, Charles Toomey, Ngee Lek. Type 1 Diabetes : The Laos perspective
British Society of Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes Conference 2021
Sze May Ng, Malene IV , Myint Nilar, Khaysy Rassavong , Chi Dung Vu, Florence Hui Sieng Tan, Muhammad Yazid Jalaludin, Charles Toomey, Ngee Lek. Government partnership working in Southeast Asia low-middle-income countries with Action4Diabetes improves Type 1 diabetes care.